How to think POSITIVE
2 mins read

How to think POSITIVE

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Think Positive

Positive thinking is can have a POSITIVE effect on your life, really!

Most people go through life talking themselves down.  When they go to try something new they think, I can’t do that! They are afraid to meet new people and think, they won’t like me.  Try a new job, go back to school, move to a new place;  they keep thinking of the thousands of ways they can’t do something .

A lot of people say you are what you eat.  This basically means if you eat healthy and enough your body will be healthy and a proper weight , if you don’t then you won’t be!  Thinking is no different.  If your mentality is set up for failure then your outcome won’t be positive either.  The question is HOW do you stop mentally sabotaging your life and talking to yourself in a way that gets you positive results?

Many people use Mantras to put their thinking into a more positive state.  A Mantra is just a phrase that you repeat to encourage and comfort yourself.  It can be anything that’s appropriate, or maybe focus on an area of your life you feel you constantly berate yourself about.  Examples of a mantra are

“I am  smart, and good and kind and people like me”
“I am beautiful just the way I am”

Or what ever phrase makes you feel good about yourself.  When you feel yourself sliding into negative thoughts just repeat your personal mantra to break the chain of negative thought.

Many times when we are negatively thinking we surround ourselves with people who are reinforcing our negative mentality. Sometimes their own negative self thoughts clouds our attempts at being positive.  Sometimes these people blatantly try to sabotage our efforts.  Don’t let THAT happen!   If you can’t get those negative people around you  to join in on your positivity then you’ll have to keep your distance.  Misery loves company and so does joy,they just don’t seem to mix well with each other! Surround yourself with positive people!

Remember you truly ARE WHAT YOU THINK!  Sometimes we are really our own worst enemy and harshest critics.  So love yourself a little more and THINK POSITIVE to reap positive rewards in your life!

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Happy Thoughts!
