3 mins read

Monday Inspiration: How to Simplify

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Have you ever wished you could a live a more simpler life? Are you confused on how to simplify? Sometimes, the clutter and tasks around us can seem overwhelming, and while we always thought that these things make us truly happy, the reality is they can actually be pulling us down. Did you know that there is one major difference that separates humans from the rest of the living creatures on earth? That difference is that humans desire excess, while animals and all other living creatures take only what they need to survive.

Confused? Here are a few examples: A tiger doesn’t kill every zebra it sees. It only kills one when it needs to eat. The roots of a great oak tree doesn’t suck every drop of water and nutrients from the earth it can, yet it just uses what it needs to survive. Humans on the other hand, we always want more. This is often more than we need and even more than we know what to do with. And pretty soon, we are overwhelmed with a burden we don’t want any longer.

If you have been craving a more simple life, or wishing you knew how to simplify, here are some important tips to remember. There comes a point when all of the stuff becomes a burden. It weighs us down. The desire to obtain more stresses us out. Maybe all of the stuff we have held onto all these years no longer carries the same meaning. Or, it no longer evokes the good feelings and memories it once did. Maybe we simply just don’t need it anymore, but we hold onto it. We let it define us, who we are, what we have accomplished, the list goes on. So why not unpack those things? The clutter, the mental worries, they can all be unpacked. How? You just make the decision that it is time to let these things go.

Spring is the perfect time to start living a more simple life. It is a great time to declutter not only the physical items that are taking up space in your life but the mental ones too. By letting go of all this stuff you are not letting go of the memories that went with it, or the person it makes you think of. That’s the beauty of it, those notions are yours to keep. You are simply clearing the way for other blessings to come into your life. Pretty cool, huh?

I love the saying, “Live Simply, so others may Simply Live”

Doesn’t sound like a bad idea, does it? So let’s simplify! Gather those boxes and start clearing away the clutter that doesn’t have a purpose anymore. Let go of the negative thoughts and people that don’t serve a positive purpose anymore. Pretty soon, you will feel amazing.

How do you like to simplify your life? Tell us on the Facebook page or Community Chat page!
