2 mins read

Tuesday Inspiration: The Importance of a Promise

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What does the word promise mean to you? Is it a word you put heavy weight on, or do you use it and abuse it? Let’s find some inspiration in the word promise today and think about what a promise means to us.

I try to use the words I promise only when I know I truly mean them. Even so I use the word as often as possible, and each time I do, it makes me think how heavy the words “I promise” really are. When fast food restaurants promise fast delivery, or a grocery store promises a fast check out, or a department store promises something will be in stock, the word is cheapened. But the kind of promise I make and look for in return? I tell ya it is the real thing.

I’m not sure how much weight we put into the words “I promise” anymore, or how much we expect from those who tell it to us. In a culture where false promises and lying has become a second language, the idea of someone making a promise and holding to it is not only rare, but we simply don’t expect it anymore.

We are all guilty of it. We make promises we are unable to keep. We make promises we never intended on keeping in the first place. But we say it, as though the words are magic, and will make everything valid and good. The words I promise are beautiful, and comforting, and just feel amazing. But the actions that accompany them, are even more calming, soothing. The actions that make these words really shine are rare…but I know they are out there. And that my friends is why I will always do my best to keep a promise I make.

So will you join me? What promises will you make this week, and keep? Work a little harder at honoring those promises and see the good things that arise as a result. You are sure to be thrilled.

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Be inspired, friends!
