3 mins read

Monday Inspiration: What We Can Learn From Pain

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Pain is a funny thing.

Everyone, at some point, in some way, will experience it in their lifetime. That is a sure thing. No one, not a single person is exempt from it. All of the precautions in the world won’t keep you from it. Sooner or later it will find you.

Today, let’s find the beauty in it, and reflect on what we can learn from pain.

There are two kinds of pain the body can experience, physical pain and emotional pain. Here is a bit about both:

Our nervous system acts as an important messenger. When your hand gets near a flame, your nervous system feels the heat and pain. It sends memos to your brain to move your hand away from the flame or risk serious injury. The pain is the indicator that something is wrong, and it tells your brain to react.

Emotional pain is a bit different, and as you probably know, more complex. Emotional pain leaves no cuts or bruises. No bandaid can cover it up. No amount of Tylenol can take away the hurt that comes with it. And sadly, our nervous system does not do much to protect us from it. If only it could. But it can dig just as deep as physical pain, it can haunt us, and slowly but surely, it can overcome us.

So then, how can pain be a beautiful thing? What can we learn from pain?

Whether it be physical or emotional, pain is the red flag, waving obnoxiously in our faces, screaming at us, hey something is very wrong here. When intuition fails us, or when we just choose to ignore it, here comes our friend pain to knock us on our rear, daring us to get back up.

And that is when we have a choice. Don’t you love having options?

This is where the whole fight or flight instinct kicks in. Physical or emotional, it does not matter. The question is, what are you going to do with this pain? Are you going to turn it into something amazing or let it consume you? Are you going to use the scars it leaves to later tell stories of victory or those of loss and regret? The beauty in this pain is your options are endless. The pain signals the need for a change. And you better get busy making it.

So embrace the pain, appreciate it, learn from it, and take advantage of the heads up it is giving you. You have choices, lots of them, and that will always be a beautiful thing. Embrace the pain when it comes and recognize it as a situation to learn. Not too bad of an idea, huh?

So how do you plan on embracing and learning from pain this week? Share your ideas with us on the Facebook page or Community Chat page. We love to hear them!
