2 mins read

Monday Inspiration: How to Set Goals

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Do you typically dread Mondays? Many people do. But one commonality you will find amongst people who don’t dread Mondays are the ones who goal set for themselves. Those who goal set each week approach Monday as a challenge and a chance to meet the goals they have set. They actually come to anticipate Mondays and welcome the opportunities it brings with it!

So how can you become a goal setter and say goodbye to dreading Mondays? It is easier than you may think. Take a look at how you can get into the habit of setting goals for yourself, allowing you to take control of your week, not dread it.

First, be realistic. We would all love to knock out 25 tasks each week, but that’s not happening. When you set unrealistic goals, you fail and then beat yourself up. Instead, start by choosing 2-3 goals for each week. This way, you can experience some immediate success and be encouraged.

Next, put your goals in writing. Take a poster board or notebook and jot the goals down. Under each goal, put some ideas about how you plan to meet these goals. Seeing the ideas and goals in writing can help you better accomplish them.

Choose your friends wisely. Place yourself around goal oriented people like yourself who will encourage you, not pull you down. You don’t want to be around naysayers and those who can’t give you positive energy. Share your goals with a  trusted friend so you can encourage each other.

Rejoice in your success. Really celebrate and pat yourself on the back when you meet your weekly goals. With each goal you meet, you are making strides towards a better life. Keep reminding yourself that!

Your goals can range from wanting to lose a pound or two, wanting to accomplish tasks at work, around the home, or with the kids. It can be reaching out to a friend you haven’t talked to, or paying a bill you have put off. Either way, don’t lose sight of these goals. Each one you can check off, YOU have defeated!

Defeating the beasts that use to make you dread Mondays sure sounds like fun, doesn’t it? Let us know how you plan to start setting goals and taking Monday by the horns. Share with us on the Facebook page or Community Chat page.

Happy Monday, friends.
