Rainy Day ideas for Toddlers and Pre-Schoolers!!
4 mins read

Rainy Day ideas for Toddlers and Pre-Schoolers!!

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Even though summer is here, there are bound to be rainy days that put an end to outdoor play. Rainy days do not have to mean hours spent cooped up inside watching the TV.  I live in Florida, so even if it doesn’t rain, the Florida heat can put a damper on outside play at times too!  

There are some wonderful and exciting things you can do with your toddlers on days when the weather will not cooperate, check them out:

1. Play Mail-Person! Get an old shoebox and paint it, add stickers and so on. Cut a slit in the top of the lid for the “Mail”. Have your child make you “mail” to put in the box or even their own box. You may even find that they like ripping open junk mail that you got as well.

2.  Play “Grocery Shop”. This one may take some time saving stuff on your part, but toddlers and pre-schoolers will love it. Save Jello boxes, small containers etc. Glue the ends shut and let your little one go grocery shopping in the “store” (a place in your home where you can set up a small shop). This is great if you have one of those plastic toy shopping carts, but you could also use a simple plastic or paper shopping bag.

3. Let’s do some Milk Painting! It is non-toxic and simple! Just divide a can of condensed milk into 4 bowls. Add food coloring to each and stir. Break out the paper and get creative!

4. Bubble Time!!! Turn your living room into a bubble filled dance hall! Make bubbles that last longer by mixing 9 cups water, 1 cup liquid dish soap and ½ cup corn syrup. Crank up some fun pop music and start blowing bubbles and dance the rain away! Gives new meaning to “rain dance!”

5. Make homemade Play-Dough! This one is so simple! All you need is 1 ½ c Flour, ¾ c salt, 3 tsp Cream of Tartar and 1 ¼ water as well as food coloring. Just mix all ingredients together and cook in a pot over medium heat, working it with a rubber spatula. In a very sort time, the mixture will pull away from the pot and be pliable. Kids will love playing with this and it is non-toxic as well.

6. Library Time!!  This is the perfect time to take the kiddos to the library. Toddlers and preschoolers love to go to the library and most libraries have s kids section you can curl up with books and read to them at.

7. Googly Eyed People Fun!!  If you have some “Googly eyes” and magazines on hand, try adding googly eyes to the pictures and face in the magazine. Plenty of giggles will ensue!  You can pick these up SUPER CHEAP at Walmart in the craft area or at any craft store.

8. Fashion show time! Both boys and girls will love dressing up in Mommy’s or Daddy’s shoes, work boots and clothes. Older toddlers and pre-schoolers will especially enjoy this one!  I had a hope chest that I filled with costumes I bought on clearance after halloween each year and my kids LOVED to play in that box.  I still have a lobster hat and princess crown!

9. Bake Cookies! The Young ones will like helping you mix and pour and older pre-schoolers will enjoy decorating. All will enjoy eating!

10.  Foam painting!! Add food coloring to shaving cream and let the kiddos have a blast painting the tub and shower walls in their swimsuits!

Summertime is a great time to make some amazing memories with the little ones.  Make sure you take lots of pictures for you photo albums.  I hope you and your wee ones have a fun indoor play time!

I would LOVE to see pictures!  Make sure you check in on our facebook fan page or our facebook chat page to say hi and hang out with all of your coupon freak friends!  We are having a blast over there!
