4 mins read

Monday Inspiration: How to Deal with Rejection

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Today, let’s explore how to deal with rejection. Now don’t feel bad if the thought of that just made you feel squirmy. There is something often uncomfortable about hearing the word no, or being told we can’t do something. We look at how children often respond when they are told no, or that they can’t do what it is that they want to do. They yell, scream, and maybe even kick. And the funny thing is, even as adults we can feel compelled to act this way when we face rejection. It hurts, our self esteem feels assaulted, and in the end we can be left feeling crushed. Rejection is hard, but rejection at the very same time can be beautiful. Today, let’s find the beauty in rejection and how to deal with it.

As adults we face a lot of rejection. You may get it in the form of letters or emails telling you that you did not get the job you wanted, or accepted into the school or program you wanted. Maybe you were told that the rebate you sent in wasn’t any good, or the book you are trying to publish fell short. You may not have been picked to host the House Party you applied to. You face it when your children refuse to let you help them get dressed or help them up the stairs “because they can do it themselves.”

Rejection stinks.

When it happens, you feel like a little kid again, not being picked for a team or asked to be part of a super special recess club. The lousiness kicks in and you can’t help but start searching yourself thinking what is wrong with me?

Well here is a little secret. This is how rejection works. It happens when you expect it, it happens when you least expect it, and sometimes, it just happens. It hurts. It makes you squirm. It makes you pick yourself apart wondering why don’t other people see what you see. However, lucky for you, I know for a FACT that rejection is a beautiful thing. Because no matter how rotten rejection feels, no matter how bad it makes us wanna tuck our tails between our legs and seek solace under a rock, there is an even scarier “R” word you will encounter in your attempts to avoid it:


Regret can be ugly. It sneaks into our lives and taunts us with the things we never did or tried. It makes us shudder with the thoughts of a life unlived, a venture not taken, a risk not weighed. It haunts us with coulda, woulda, shoulda…it makes our head spin with what if’s and little by little extinguishes that light in us.

So which would you rather have? Rejection as a result of trying, putting yourself out there, and taking chances? Or regret, regrets from a life not quite lived?

Invite the chance of rejection into your life. It will only use you to get stronger, to get smarter, and to get where it is that you want to be. It will  prepare you to truly find the joy and happiness when the acceptance finally comes. Rejection IS a beautiful thing, and it sure beats the heck out of regret any day.

When was a time you felt rejection but learned from it? How did facing rejection make you a stronger person? Would you put yourself out there one more time and share with us? Visit us on the Facebook page or Community Chat page and tell us about it!

Thanks for dropping by!
