CVS BEST DEALS June 5th – June 11th!!
1 min read

CVS BEST DEALS June 5th – June 11th!!

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Here are the BEST DEALS in the CVS Ad that start Sunday, June 5th – June 11th!

 Please note that there will be ad variations depending on where you live.  Not all ads will be the same.  To check out your local ad click here and you can view it.  Look right above the ad and you will see a button for upcoming ads.  You can check out the CVS Coupon Policy by clicking HERE

ECB =Extra Care Bucks. ECB’s are like a customer appreciation program that CVS has where they “Reward” their customers for shopping at their stores and purchasing certain products.  ECB’s are like cash in their stores. Unlike Walgreens where the reward is attached to a product, ECBs are not connected to any specific product, so you could actually purchase one product that produces an ECB and turn around and purchase the same product again(as long as you haven’t reached your limit on that item)and get another ECB!!  Its a little bit hard to grasp until you have used them and it comes together.  You will love CVS as much as me before you know it!!


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