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This post is sponsored by HusqvarnaUSA but all opinions are my own based upon my personal experience
HOLY TOLEDO! I had a Husqvarna Automower® installed at my house and it is a game changer!
Last week I posted a video here about the Husqvarna Automower® being installed at my house and I received SO MANY messages and comments about it that I thought I would do a blog post to better explain how it works for those of you interested in purchasing one too!
First of all, it is a GAME CHANGER for sure!
What I love the MOST about the Husqvarna Automower® is that my lawn ALWAYS looks like it has just been mowed. Since I am in Florida, we have had an extremely rainy summer and the grass grows unbelievably fast. We have had the hardest time keeping up with our yard prior to getting the automower. We would mow and the yard would look good for two or three days and then look like it needed to be mowed again.
The cool thing with the Husqvarna Automower® is that it mows continuously based on the schedule that you designate. It can even cut in the rain!
There are several models to select from if you are interested in purchasing your own. I personally have over an acre of property and extremely rough terrain in some areas of my property so we selected the Husqvarna Automower® 450XH for our home. If you have a regular size house lot or property under a half acre you would likely want to select a different model. Since I needed a larger model for my home, I got my unit from Fales Farm and Lawn Equipment Specialists in Ocala, Florida. You can check them out online here.
You can purchase a Husqvarna Automower® through one of their dealers, I also noticed that they have them at Tractor Supply and it looks like they even have financing available if you need it!
Check out the Husqvarna Automower Models at Tractor Supply by clicking here.
How quickly it cut my lawn
As I mentioned previously, I have over an acre of property. When I first got the automower I thought that it was going to work just like a regular lawn mower where it goes in rows and cuts the grass. That is not at ALL how this works. The Husqvarna Automower® cuts only a small bit of grass as it moves around your yard. Since I have such a large property it took three days before my entire lawn looked like it had been mowed. During this time I was wondering if it really was something that would work and second guessed it a few times, however, after three days I woke up in the morning and everything looked BEAUTIFUL! Once it was fully cut, the Husqvarna Automower® keeps it looking this way continuously, so there are never grass clippings (or clumps) anywhere on my property and it always looks like it was recently cut. Pretty cool right?!
Does it trim and weed eat too?
No, the automower will only go as close as the outer guide wires are installed around edges or flower beds. You will still need to go behind it and weed eat or trim any landscaped areas that you have. Since I don’t have any really fancy landscaping areas, we ran the wire close to the flower beds so that those areas stay low which leaves only our fence line for weed eating. So far it looks like we would only need to do that once per month to keep it looking good or more often if we have company coming
I hope this helps to explain things a little better for those of you with questions. Below is the Husqvarna video which gives a little bit more information on how it works. I will be posting weekly updates on my FACEBOOK FAN PAGE and INSTAGRAM to keep you all posted on how things are going throughout the summer. If you aren’t following me on social media go follow now so you don’t miss the updates!
Check out the video below, you can also find more specifications on the unit that I have as well as other models on the Husqvarna website here.