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When we were little, our parents worked hard at helping us choose good friends. No doubt they wanted us to be around other children who were kind, respectful, and positive influences. Did you ever think about that fact that the same ideas apply now as adults? As adults, it is still important to put yourself around positive people who will encourage you to be your best. Today, let’s get inspired and talk about how to pick positive friends.
It seems silly at first to think about, but having positive and encouraging friends is just as important now as it was when you were little. As adults, we find ourselves making important decisions and having the right support is essential. Take a look at these traits of a positive friend below and ask yourself…do the people you surround yourself with hold them?
Traits of a positive friend:
1. A positive friend uses encouraging vocabulary, not words like “you shouldn’t” or “you can’t.”
2. A positive friend encourages you to take risks and offers their support as a safety net.
3. A positive friend doesn’t judge. They instead listen with an open heart and offer helpful suggestions.
4. A positive friend praises your accomplishments. There is never jealousy.
5. A positive friend speaks kindly about you at all times, even when you are not there to hear it.
Do the friends you surround yourself with carry these desirable traits? If so, you certainly are lucky! If not, it is never too late to find people who do. No matter where you are in life, keep yourself open to meeting new people who encourage and support you, who aren’t quick to judge, and who defend your choices. As adults, we often get into habits and sometimes this includes spending time with people who may be dragging us down instead of helping us up.
Now is a great time to look at the people you spend time with, and vow to spend more with the ones who are positive people. You will no doubt see what a difference it makes in your life!
Be inspired today!